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Compare Genes

From ISOGG Wiki

Compare Genes is a feature of 23andMe's Personal Genome Service. It can be accessed from the "Sharing and Community" Menu on the 23andMe user interface. This feature compares a participant's genes to others on their sharing list.

The options for areas of comparison are:

1. Genome-Wide Comparison

2. Bitter Tasting

3. Circadian Rhythm

4. Endurance

5. Female Fertility

6. Immune System Compatibility

7. Non-Bitter Tasting

8. Pigmentation

9. Weight/Body mass index

Users can choose to perform genetic comparisons between One-to-One or One-to-Many. One-to-One allows a user to compare any person linked to their account with any other person on their share list. Comparisons can be made across all 500,000+ SNPs on the Illumina chip, which gives a rough estimate of genetic similarity for 0.01% of the human genome, chosen because these SNPs vary within human populations. Or a user can look only at genes connected to a particular trait by selecting that trait from the list. One-to-Many allows comparison to a single person in an account with all other members of the account and with anyone whose data is being shared. One can make the comparison across all 500,000+ SNPs on the Illumina chip, which gives a rough estimate of genetic similarity for 0.01% of the human genome, chosen because these SNPs vary within human populations. Or a participant can look only at genes connected to a particular trait by selecting that trait from the list.